Congrats on the new site. Looks pretty good to me!
Since you asked for feedback, here's something I noticed. I initially opened this on my tablet, and some of the H2 headlines had orphan words. Like this:
Understanding HTTP Status Codes When Websites Are
I'd recommend maybe adding "text-wrap: pretty;" to those, or using other tricks (like maybe making the max width for headlines 80% or similar). Note that text-wrap pretty is still somewhat new ( reports 72.9% support).
Other minor things (NOT criticisms, just trying to be helpful):
- It looks like your Google analytics and tag manager are not loading due to your content security policy (script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline')
- Your site weight is already impressively small (congrats!) but you may still want to consider compressing the CSS and JS to make it as quick as possible.
- In the bottom area (common sites), I saw that the comma after Zoom (for example) sometimes appeared on the line below (another place where text-wrap: pretty; might help)
- On the "About Us" page I could not read the subtitle ("The story behind...") due to the colors in use (looks like grey on green?). Same thing for Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
- I expected the form at the top to submit when I hit the 'enter' key, but I had to click the button. I'd recommend making it submit on enter, especially since it has only one field.
- I kept trying to check one of my own sites ( and was told it was down, even though it's not (to be completely fair, it could be that my server is blocking something in your request, like user-agent or IP/origin, so that might not be an actual issue on your side)
Looking for some feedback on how I can improve the UI and UX. I'm learning web development and this seemed like a good opportunity to showcase some of the things I've learnt.
Congrats on the new site. Looks pretty good to me!
Since you asked for feedback, here's something I noticed. I initially opened this on my tablet, and some of the H2 headlines had orphan words. Like this:
Understanding HTTP Status Codes When Websites Are
I'd recommend maybe adding "text-wrap: pretty;" to those, or using other tricks (like maybe making the max width for headlines 80% or similar). Note that text-wrap pretty is still somewhat new ( reports 72.9% support).
Other minor things (NOT criticisms, just trying to be helpful):
- It looks like your Google analytics and tag manager are not loading due to your content security policy (script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline')
- Your site weight is already impressively small (congrats!) but you may still want to consider compressing the CSS and JS to make it as quick as possible.
- In the bottom area (common sites), I saw that the comma after Zoom (for example) sometimes appeared on the line below (another place where text-wrap: pretty; might help)
- On the "About Us" page I could not read the subtitle ("The story behind...") due to the colors in use (looks like grey on green?). Same thing for Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
- I expected the form at the top to submit when I hit the 'enter' key, but I had to click the button. I'd recommend making it submit on enter, especially since it has only one field.
- I kept trying to check one of my own sites ( and was told it was down, even though it's not (to be completely fair, it could be that my server is blocking something in your request, like user-agent or IP/origin, so that might not be an actual issue on your side)
Hope this helps!
Looking for some feedback on how I can improve the UI and UX. I'm learning web development and this seemed like a good opportunity to showcase some of the things I've learnt.