jfengel an hour ago

I don't think it does. Or if so, only at a marginal level.

I think tech people might be more willing to be out about being gay, trans, etc. They do tend to skew younger and more liberal than other groups. (Or at least, we used to be. We've felt awfully old and cranky lately.) We're also wealthier: it's a lot easier to come out when you have freedom.

Sexuality and gender are baked deeply into your being. They are set long before you get put on a career path. People in some cultures are less likely to come out about it, for a variety of reasons.

I think it's notable that the tech industry has a major center in San Francisco, which was also a center of gay life after World War II. (It is said that it's a place where returning servicemen would stay, perhaps because they were afraid to go home.)

pestatije 11 hours ago

Tech community does not have many of LGBTQ than other communities