Flat Earther admits he was wrong after traveling 9K miles to Antarctica to test themirror.com 9 points by ivewonyoung 3 months ago
quantified 3 months ago Hey, celebrate someone putting faith to the test, doing actual research rather than just listening to others, and changing their view based in data. It's hard, and a great example to follow.
ahazred8ta 3 months ago Followup coverage on the anti-flatearth subreddit (the antarctic trip is 'TFE', The Final Experiment) https://old.reddit.com/r/flatearth/
cheaprentalyeti 3 months ago How do we know he wasn't a plant put in place by the Consphereacy? quantified 3 months ago You don't. Go to Antarctica yourself. Or build a rocket that goes high enough.Explaining the presence of a circular horizon from the cockpit of a jumbo jet should be enough, but whatever. litoE 3 months ago It should be obvious that, since the earth is a flat disk, the "circular horizon from the cockpit of a jumbo jet" is just the edge of the disk. :-)
quantified 3 months ago You don't. Go to Antarctica yourself. Or build a rocket that goes high enough.Explaining the presence of a circular horizon from the cockpit of a jumbo jet should be enough, but whatever. litoE 3 months ago It should be obvious that, since the earth is a flat disk, the "circular horizon from the cockpit of a jumbo jet" is just the edge of the disk. :-)
litoE 3 months ago It should be obvious that, since the earth is a flat disk, the "circular horizon from the cockpit of a jumbo jet" is just the edge of the disk. :-)
Hey, celebrate someone putting faith to the test, doing actual research rather than just listening to others, and changing their view based in data. It's hard, and a great example to follow.
Followup coverage on the anti-flatearth subreddit (the antarctic trip is 'TFE', The Final Experiment) https://old.reddit.com/r/flatearth/
How do we know he wasn't a plant put in place by the Consphereacy?
You don't. Go to Antarctica yourself. Or build a rocket that goes high enough.
Explaining the presence of a circular horizon from the cockpit of a jumbo jet should be enough, but whatever.
It should be obvious that, since the earth is a flat disk, the "circular horizon from the cockpit of a jumbo jet" is just the edge of the disk. :-)