Show HN: Mechanical Watch with LED Lights

2 points by astennumero 3 months ago

The article doesn't get into the details of how the LEDs are powered except for "The four barrels power a tiny generator that’s just 8 mm wide and 2.3 mm high, which provides the electric energy to LEDs under the dial." Anyone have any ideas as to how this works?

inhumantsar 3 months ago

the article says it has six main springs, four of which are dedicated to the LEDs.

when you wind the watch, the mechanical energy is transferred to these springs.

pushing the illumination button allows the springs to release their tension into the generator, which powers the LEDs.

  • astennumero 3 months ago

    Yeah. That I understand. What I would like to know is what this generator looks like. How does it work? How can springs power a generator? I would like to understand how they made a generator that small.