Show HN: Birdle US – A Daily Bird Guessing Game

8 points by xandrius 3 months ago


My girlfriend and I wanted to find a fun ay to improve our bird recognition skills, as birding knowledge felt so out of reach to us.

So we decided to create Birdle, a daily bird guessing game. Our journey started in South Africa with our wonderful and fortuitous collaboration with BirdLife South Africa. After the incredible and warm reception, our players convinced to finally start covering other countries. This year we worked hard to release for testing new versions for the UK and, just today, the US.

The game is also available as an app at:

- Android:

- iOS:

The version is still in beta for testing, as we are still learning about US birds, so any feedback is strongly appreciated :)

cdaringe 3 months ago

The sound elevates the experience significantly imho. I played wingspan for the first time this week so i thought “well im pretttttty much an expert now so i should crush this” /s, and even though i failed on the name really enjoyed it. Cheers

  • xandrius 2 months ago

    Thanks! Yeah, I wanted to recreate the birdwatching experience and felt that the call was a crucial element to make this a truly multimedia experience and not just another word guessing game.

maalber 3 months ago

Cool, and quite intuitive UX. At first I did not understand what to do, but after the first round and getting one of the categories correct, it was clear how it works. I am not familiar enough with birds to properly play it, but maybe I will show it to my dad :D

  • xandrius 2 months ago

    Thanks for the feedback!

    Ideally, even people not familiar with birds should get better after doing it for a while :D

    Let me know what your dad thinks of it!